14 January, 2024

[PROBLEM/SOLUTION] I not allowed to edit documents in Microsoft Office 365 on a Mac


Suddenly I have read only access to all my Microsoft documents. The error message is that I'm not allowed to edit MS documents ".. on a Mac". I have no words ... apart from the memory my two decade long frustation with anything from Microsoft.

So they have taken all my documents as hostage. Microsoft is worse than a virus. Microsoft is a security risk.

A solution
The immediate solution is this: use Libre Office. Open Source software is more secure than the crap from Microsoft.

PS: I have experienced weird problems with Microsoft. At home I ditched Microsoft in year 2000. At home I use Ubuntu.

PPS: Note to myselft - don't use Microsoft unless you have to workwise.

Workaround that worked
Just log in with the same email as usual ... then the account will work. So the problem was an error message that did not make sense!

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