
Per experimenting with OSB and a Logitech Webcam

Per's Computer Cyprianus
Here is my personal collection of hacks, tutorials and ideas for multimedia productions. This blog is a collection of recipes for all the creative tools I use from cameras to code editors.

My heart is with Linux. That's what I use when I'm feeling creative. But this blog is not limited to Linux - you can find recipes for anything from a weird remote control, setting up a GUI, to typesetting with Latex - and much more.

Why do you call the blog a Cyprianus?
Once upon a time in Denmark there were certain wise men who could heal, hurt and do all kind of marvelous stuff with natural magic. These wizards had a secret book written in their own blood. The name of the book was Cyprianus.

A Cyprianus was a collection of recipes, spells, and much more. So here is the connection from the Cyprianus and this blog. Per's Computer Cyprianus is my collection of recipes - that is: if I can figure out how to solve a multimedia-related problem.

A Cyprianus often started with these words:
"Moses did not abuse the secrets he learned from the Egyptians. Go thou and do likewise. CPRN."
But if I should make a word of entry for this Cyprianus it is: "Do what thou willt shall be the whole of the Law".