11 December, 2019

Catalina and OBS

OBS running after a cold system start

For some reason OBS did not work out of the box. There were security issues. But after a system restart OBS worked. I don't know why Catalina insists on making life a hell for Mac users. Perhaps the system is slightly more secure. But by Bartzabel - using Mac is a nightmare these days. Especially for the creative humans.

But oh joy. OBS works now.

I can see the screen, but the camera?

Of course you can't.

Mac is such a waste of time.

Solution (Hack)

Start the app from the terminal: /Applications/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS

Give the terminal permssions to use cam, mic etc.

However OBS is made totally crippled by Catalina. I don't want to fight the OS. I want to work creatively. Linux is far more easy to use. Catalina is hopeless.

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