26 March, 2015

xampp cannot use wordpress theme images

A localhost WordPress could not display images from the themes folder in Xampp on a Linux Mint system.

Solution: all folders must be owned by the Apache user and group (daemon:daemon), or:

# chown -R daemon:daemon [theWordPressThemenameFolder/]
# chmod -R 777 [theWordPressThemenameFolder/]

However this is only for development purposes. On a server work by these guidelines.

23 March, 2015

Install themes on WordPress (Xampp on Linux)

Do this:

# cd /opt/lampp/
# sudo chown -R daemon htdocs
# sudo chmod -R g+w htdocs

On Apache the user is called daemon, therefore chown -R daemon htdocs.

Thanx to this post (my solution is for Linux the former was for Mac).

Now you can install whatever themes on the fly from the WordPress Dashboard.

16 March, 2015

Start the Xampp panel on linux

(64bit) # sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run
(32bit) # sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux.run

03 March, 2015

Jquery - run it on localhost

Sometimes Jquery needs to run on a server. The accordion plugin is a sample. If you run the code directly from a directory, the darn thing does not work. If you run the same code on your localserver it works fine.

Below: Jquery accordion from a file

Below: Jquery from localhost

Ergo: run Jquery scripts on your localhost or on a server.