07 January, 2025


Here is an easy workflow in Wiseflow.

1) Export the hand ins

First build a package, and export everything as a package:

2) Evaluate the work

Now you can evaluate the hand ins in a suitable manner. Among the files you'll se a spreadsheet for grades.

3) Import the grades

When the evaluation is over, you can import the grades from the spreadshet in this window. Below you'd normally see the names of all the students in the class, for obvious reasons these details are removed:

05 January, 2025

Faster BeoVivison Horizon

If you change the standard TV Guide from Station to Internet the performance will improve. Our Horizon was very slow, but this little change made everything faster. 

So that's a nice and easy hack.

19 December, 2024

[Periodical Error] Beosould Level Microphone not Working

Beosound Level is indeed strange. After removing the battery the microphone worked again. Some days later it stopped working. After the battery ran dry it works again ...

However, after a software update the microphone stops working again. It's clearly a software issue. 

11 December, 2024

Bang and Olufsen's App ruins the products

 Again! I am frustrated with the Bang and Olufsen app. The user experience is a nightmare. Especially after more or less random "updates" of the software. After every update something does not work ... again. 

Bang and Olufsen's products turns useless after a software "update" in the app. This happens once a month or so after updates. Today Bang and Olufsen's Multiroom does not work.

My devices begin to malfunction after three years:

  • The buttons for favorite choices on Beosound 2 do not work any more.
  • The microphone on Beosound Level does not work.
Yes the sound is fantastic.
But your App tuns the products into a useless thing.
Yes the design is wonderfull.
But your App tuns the products into a useless thing.

I really like the ideas behind the B&O products and the general aesthetics, but in the end the most important thing for speakers and televisins is this: it must work! The user experience should not be destroyed by software pollution and constant update hickups. 

My intuition tells me that the malfunctions of the microphone is not a hardware issue. The microphone turns off after updates in the software. So I will not waste time and remove the battery again, since the software will turn the thing off after the next update. This is of course insane - and it's a very well known problem that should have been solved years ago. 

I guess that the hardware and software departments in B&O are not in sync. 

You don't have to be a beta tester by B&O. Unfortunately most of the app is in az constant beta mode, where some vital function does not work for now. I wish that B&O could learn something from Linux here. Please invent stable software, and please stop the developers when they "fix" something that worked fine before a software engineer tampered with the code.

In all fairness I should add: suddenly the Multiroom works again. Yeah! But it's still like being a beta-tester (and I did not join the B&O beta tester community).

10 December, 2024

[PROBLEM] Beosound Level: Microphone not working

(Worked a couple of hours, then the mic ceased to work!)

For the second time the microphone stopped working out of the blue. For weeks I tried restarts, factory resets and what not. On the web several posts recommended to take off the cover, and remove the battery for ten minutes. 


  1. Remove the cover.
  2. Take a screwdriver and remove the 12 screws over the battery.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. Wait 10 minutes.
  5. Put the battery back.
  6. Remount everything.
The Level will start as soon as it it repowered. 

The video from YouTube below will give you a demonstration of the method.

13 November, 2024

[SOLVED] Ubuntu: No Desktop Environment

Suddenly Ubuntu's desktop did not work. A "startx" command died too. But I could log into the command shell. The cure was a reinstall:

sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop

A few moments later everything went back to normal. 

12 November, 2024

Ubuntu and Logitech Gamer Keyboard

For years I used a terminal command in order to set the keyboard colors. But it's more practical to use Piper. For unknown reasons Piper would not show up in Ubuntu's software installer, however the solution was:

# sudo apt install piper

Ubuntu: Snap Upgrade

Do thou this in ye terminal:

snap-store --quit && sudo snap refresh snap-store

24 October, 2024

How to remove Logitech hub on a Mac

For weeks I tried to remove the Logitech Hub, that was not needed any more. Removing the programme seemed impossible. But then I found this recipe on github: https://gist.github.com/timotgl 

# How to fully uninstall Logitech G HUB on macOS via terminal/command line
# Tested on macOS version 12.3.1 (21E258) Monterey in April 2022
# with Logitech G HUB version 2022.3.242300 (released on 2022-03-22) installed.

# 1. Make sure "Logitech G HUB" itself is not running. If it is, quit it.

# 2. Open "Activity Monitor" and force-quit all processes named "lghub*".

# 3. Delete system-wide files
sudo rm -rf /Applications/lghub.app
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.logi.ghub.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.logi.ghub.updater.plist
sudo rm -rf /Users/Shared/LGHUB
sudo rm -rf /Users/Shared/.logishrd

# 4. Delete files from user directory
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/lghub
sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.logi.ghub.helper.plist
sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.logi.ghub.plist

A few of the commandlines could not find the directory, then I added -rf to the terminal commands. 

After this I ran htop, and the annoying process was gone. So was the app. Cool!

- Thank you Timotgl !!

BTW after deleting these directories &c. I had to restart the Mac, because a process tried to open the missing directories. But after a restart the problem was gone.

14 October, 2024

Hvordan eksporterer man en CSV fra sparkron?

Denne GUI er ikke nem at gennemskue, jeg fik svaret fra deres helpdesk:

  1. Klik på kontoen
  2. Vælg et datointerval
  3. Marker ALLE i tjekboksen
  4. Nederst på skærmen kommer: eksporter
Muligheden for eksport vises ikke før Alle er afkrydset. 

Har man brugertestet her?